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Host Adaptor 3270


This adapter is used to run tests on the Host Adapter 3270. This Adapter is currently under construction, so the information on it is still under construction. Therefore, the information will be updated as the development progresses.


In the initialization process, it is necessary to supply the information to connect to the Host 3270 server. That is the information of the Adapter object.

Initialization Parameters


  • Host: Name of the machine or IP address. Required. SESSION_HOST
  • Port: Connection port. Required.SESSION_HOST_POST.
  • LU_Name: Name of the connection LU, optional.
  • Enhanced: Indicates whether the Enhanced protocol is used. (by default is not checked). SESSION_TN_ENHANCED.
  • Telnet_Negotiated: The telnet information.
  • Server_Authentication: Information of authentication to the 3270 Server.
  • Client_Certificate_Autentication: Certificate for Authentication.
  • Personal_Certificate: Personal certificate for Authentication.
  • Personal_Certificate_File Path: Path to the Certificate for Authentication.
  • Personal_Certificate_pass: Pass to the Certificate for Authentication.
  • Certificate_Name: Name of the Certificate.
  • Certificate_Pass: Pass to the Certificate.
  • Certificate_Source: Source to the Certificate.
  • Certificate_URL: Url to Certificate.
  • Prompt_Required: PromptRequired.
  • Certificate_Based_Keys: Certificate Based Keys.
  • SSL: SSL.
  • KeyStore_FilePath: KeyStore File Path.
  • P12_FilePath: P12 File Path.
  • KeyStore_Pass: KeyStore Pass.
  • Certificate_Trusted: Certificate for Authentication.
  • Code_Page: Code Page.
  • Session_Type: Session Type.
  • Security_Type: Security Type.
  • Protocol: Protocol.
  • Protocol_Version: Protocol Version.
  • Certificate_Type: Certificate Type.

Predefined Functions

  • connect3270: Allows you to connect to the 3270. (It is not necessary to create the message, the Adapter executes the connection in its creation).
  • containsText: This function evaluates whether within the host screen, there is a specific text that we define in said function.
    1. In the message mapping, the text that we want to find is added in the “Value field”.
  • disconnect3270: Allows you to disconnect to the 3270.
  • nextScreen: This function directly advances to the next navigation screen (previously you will have had to go through it to find it).
    It does not require parameters in the encoding.
  • play: Plays the navigation 7 execution into the 3270 Host. It’s necessary to record the navigation previously.
  • previusScreen: This function directly advances to the previus navigation screen.
    It does not require parameters in the encoding.
  • rec: Records the navigation 7 execution into the 3270 Host.
host_adaptor.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/11 10:49 by montse