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SOAP UI Adaptor


SOAP UI Adaptor allows the user to use the software SOAP UI using the predefined functions to execute different projects in the main software.
To execute a SOAP Project from TAST the Mock Service of the project must be switched ON, in the case of a localhost or remote execution.

Initialization Parameters

  • File Type: User can choose between XML or WSDL:
    XML, is the XML File that the SOAP Project is using (in the case that uses any) and it is saved in local.
    WSDL, is the URL of the WSDL that our SOAP Project is using (in the case that uses any).
  • File Path: Is the Path or URL of the two File Type Options.

Predefined Functions

  • executeAllServiceOperations: Executes all the Service Binding Interfaces of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object. Doesn’t require input parameters.

  • executeAllTestSuite: Executes all the Test Suites of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object. Doesn’t require input parameters.

  • executeServiceOperation: Executes a Service Binding Interface of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object.
    As an input parameter it uses OperationName, which collects the name of the operation to be used in TAST.

  • executeTestCase: Executes a Test Case of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object.
    As input parameters we use: TestSuitName and TestCaseName as required parameters and are used to collect the name of the Test Suite and Test Case respectively to be executed in TAST.
    As optional parameters we have CustomTestSuitProperties and CustomTestCaseProperties, that are used to add properties to the execution.

  • executeTestStep: Executes a Test Step of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object.
    As input parameters we use: TestSuitName, TestCaseName and TestStepName as required parameters and are used to collect the name of the Test Suite, Test Case and Test Step respectively to be executed in TAST.
    As optional parameters we have CustomTestSuitProperties, CustomTestCaseProperties and CustomTestStepProperties that are used to add properties to the execution.

  • executeTestSuite: Executes a Test Suit of the SOAP UI project. It returns an Array of values represented by a TastRowValues Object.
    As input parameter we use: TestSuitName, as required parameter and is used to collect the name of the Test Suite, to be executed in TAST.
    As optional parameters we have CustomTestSuitProperties, that is used to add properties to the execution.

soap_ui_adaptor.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/05 05:53 by montse