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LOAD Adaptor


With the LOAD Adaptor you will run tests of previously created plans in Jmeter.

Jmeter is an application for load and performance testing of web applications and servers.

To install it, go to the “About TAST” tab on the top right of the TAST web application, and there you can find the download.

It has to be unzipped in “C:\appTAST\jmeter”, so that the final path is as follows: “C:\appTAST\jmeter\apache-jmeter-5.6.2” (or current version).

For its execution, from the CMD, launching C:\AppTastmeter-jmeter-jmeter-jmeter-5.6.2\binjmeter.bat

Initialization parameters

There is only one parameter in the adapter:

  • Jmeter Path: it will indicate the path where Jmeter is installed on our computer.

Predefined parameters (PF)

As of today there is only one predefined function:

  • executeJmeter: executes a Jmeter plan test. It has two parameters:
    • PathTestPlan: full path to the Jmeter test plan file to execute.
    • PathResultFile: path and name of the CSV file where the result will be stored.

Output returns a String with the result of the Jmeter command execution.

In addition to the output results provided by Jmeter's TAST, Jmeter will also create the result files defined in the test plan.

load_adaptor.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/26 08:14 by montse