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Right now, a file is generated in (en C:\AppTast\metrics) with metrics that have the times of:

  • Obtention of the test set data,
  • Obtention of the gates data,
  • Execution of the test set,
  • Test cases,
  • Instantiate the adaptors,
  • Execution of the actions (steps),
  • Save the data,
  • And the generation of the metric itself (including date).

Once the execution times are shown, it includes the metrics of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine):

  • Used memory (quantity of memory used in bytes),
  • Maximum Memory (the maximum quantity of memory in bytes that it is allowed for the “memory administration”) and
  • Commited Memory (amount of memory in bytes that the Java Virtual Machine is allowed to use).

Depends of what we want there is the possibility to add more “memory metrics” or remove them.

The JVM metrics are obtained after the execution of the test set, test case, or instantiate the adaptor.

Each record of the metric is composed with the name and tags to identify these and filter if necessary. The main metrics has been separated by two names for better handling and identification. In customer metrics, names begin with the word “client” like - “client.instance.adaptor” and the metrics of “frontend” will start with the word “frontend”.

The methods that write the metrics in the files are generic and should serve to get the metrics in frontend and other types of metrics according to our criteria.

The metrics can be handled with the parameters from the database table TAST_PARAMETER:

METRICS_DEBUG – by default is: false (it puts traceability of the metrics, in case of not finding the requested metric write all available metrics to correct the error).

METRICS_EXCLUDE_NAMES_STARTS_WITH_SEPR_BY_COMA – exclude metrics by the name they have. For example, to exclude JVM metrics, “– jvm” should be included in the parameter.

METRICS_EXCLUDE_TAGS_SEPR_BY_COMA – – exclude metrics by the tags they have.

METRICS_MAX_STEPS_OUT – Limit writing the metrics of the steps by “x” records. By default its value is 20. The metrics of the steps are drawn by the time it takes for the steps from greater to lesser time. In this way we can focus on the steps that take longer and improve execution times.

metrics.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/18 14:41 (external edit)