postman_collection_adaptor [TAST DokuWiki ]

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Postman Collection Adaptor


This adapter is used to send a postman collection to our postman microservice, and get the desired information and response of it.


There is no information needed when setting up the adaptor, the information will be needed when using the PFs.

Initialization Parameters

No initialization parameters required.


  • executePostmanCollection: Executes a file containing a postman collection in a microservice and returns a TastRowValues variable that has information about the result. It requires the local path of the file containing the postman collection, and optionally, the local path of an environment file, and a variable number of Newman parameters that allow you to configure aspects of the execution.

    And if you need to use a certificate, with the Ssl-Client-Cert parameter, you add the path to your certificate file, and with Ssl-Client-Key, the path to your Key file. Ssl-Client-Passphrase is the parameter to put the password of the key, in case you need it.

    The “Use Corporate Proxy” checkbox causes the microservice to use the proxy https://proxyservidoresdmz.scger.corp:8080 , which you may need to use if the target domain of the request is on an external network.
  • getResponseBody: Allows the user to retrieve the response body received from a specific request, from a collection that has been previously executed with the adapter. To identify the request from which you want to retrieve the response body, this function needs the request name as a parameter.
  • getResponseStatusCode: Allows the user to obtain the HTTP status code, received as a response to a specific request, from a collection previously executed with the adapter. The request name must be specified as a parameter in order to get the status code of that request.
postman_collection_adaptor.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/08 12:19 by montse