copiar_y_pegar_mensajes_entre_diagramas [TAST DokuWiki ]

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Copy/Paste Messages Between Diagrams

Copy & paste of Canvas objects

Copy objects

By selecting one or more items on the canvas, these can be copied using the CTRL+C key combination, or by using the Copy option from the contextual menu. There is no restriction as to the type or number of objects to copy at a time.

Paste Objects

Having previously copied one or more objects, they can be pasted using the CTRL+V key combination or using the Paste option from the contextual menu. Normally the objects are pasted after the copied object(s).

Paste of objects in the desired position “Paste Here”

Having previously copied one or more objects, they can be pasted in a determined position of the diagram, using the CTRL+SHIFT+V key combination, or using the Paste Here option from the contextual menu. As we saw in the previous point, when selecting this option a special cursor appears, and so when we press “click” the copied objects will be pasted in that position.

Paste of objects in a diferent diagram

An object or objects that have previously been copied from another diagram can be pasted into a diagram. To do this, you must have both diagrams open, each one in a different window, always using the same browser. The diagram on which we are going to copy does not need to be unlocked, but the diagram on which we are going to paste does need to be unlocked.

The restriction on pasting objects between different diagrams will depend on the characteristics of the source diagram and the destination diagram.
For example: if we copy a gate that is in adapter X, an adapter X must also exist in the other diagram, otherwise that gate cannot be copied. Or if we copy a message going from adapter A to adapter B, in the other diagram there must be at least one adapter A and one adapter B for the message to be copied.

If there is more than one adapter as a possible recipient of a copied message or gate, then the one on the far left of the diagram must always be the one used.

The pasting of objects type; fragment/subtestcase/adapter do not have such restrictions.

In the event that all the objects that were copied from the source diagram could not be pasted into the destination diagram (for the reason we have just explained), a message will appear telling us the number of objects that have actually been pasted.

If we paste the objects using the normal (Paste), the copied objects will be pasted at the end of the diagram.

If we paste the objects using (Paste Here), then the copied objects will be pasted in the position chosen by the user.

copiar_y_pegar_mensajes_entre_diagramas.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/23 14:49 by montse