For being able to use TAST, it is needed to make a short configuration in the pc to let the program work as expected, be able to use the client, and avoid the security messages to come out every time that the tool is open. First of all, a set up for the client-permissions is needed. The configuration is performed following this guide:
It will be necessary to perform the following steps:
This will be a guide to install and set up the components required to use the Mobile Adaptor with TAST.
Press the Windows button, and type “environment”. Click on “Edit environment variables for your account”. This is the same as the first few steps on the Guide for basic use of TAST.
Here you need to make a new variable called ANDROID_HOME. And its value needs to be, if you followed the whole guide: C:\Users\YOURUSER\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk”, where YOURUSER is the username you are currently using.
Then you need to go to the PATH variable and press “Edit”. Press “New” and put in the value “C:\Users\YOURUSER\Appdata\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools”.
After all of this is done, restart your computer.
This Will be a guide to obtain and set up the necessary components to execute the 3270 and 5250 adapter with TAST.
Please click on the following link for the installation, set up guide and how to use the Selective Mapping functionality, helpful when mapping messages from diagrams. This is optional:
For the installation, set up and guide on how to use the Record & Playback for TAST, which makes the process of mapping the steps of an existing diagram easier, click on the following link. This is optional:
This will be a guide to install Notepad++ to be able to see TAST logs with different colors. Please follow the following steps: