Table of Contents


Infrastructure will allow you to define Hosts, Pools and Applications, as well as the relationship between each of them. This way you will be able for example to integrate your regression tests with the Pipeline, so that whenever a new deployment is done the regression test can be run automatically.

To access this option you just need to click on “Infrastructure” in the TAST Tool Menu.

Pool is a set of Hosts that you define to distribute the process load. For the moment it is limited to one Host per Pool, but it can be modified in the future. Host is a specific machine that you select to be part of a Pool. They are also used in the Planned Executions functionality, where you choose a Host to run the execution you are planning.

Application is a group of Test Sets that you want to run together, normally because they cover a business application or a specific environment. They are useful to define regression testing in order to ensure the stability after a deployment.


By default this is the first screen you will see when clicking on “Infrastructure”. It shows a list of all the existing Pools, together with a description, Type (Continuous Integration / Planned Executions) and a set of actions. This list can be filtered using the “Name” field or the Type dropdown list; both are placed above the list.

New Pool

If you want to create a new Pool, click on the ”+” button on the top right corner of the screen. A new screen will request all the necessary data:


Edit Pool

This screen shows the information of the Pool and allows you to change it when needed. The fields are the same than in New Pool:

Remove Pool

This option will allow you to delete the selected Pool. After you press the icon, a confirmation screen will pop-up to ensure you really want to remove it.

Show Pool Hosts

This option will launch a pop-up screen showing the Hosts currently assigned to the Pool.


When you press the icon for New Application in the Pools list, a new screen will pop-up.


Although they are free text fields, the combination “Application code” + “Environment” is validated so that it can exist only once, even when you try to define it in a different Pool.


This tab allows you to manage the Hosts your are allowed to. You can Create, Remove and Edit Pool.

When removing a Host, a confirmation screen will pop-up to ensure you really want to delete the Host.

You can use the filter fields to easily find the Host you're looking for.

Create Host

If you want to create a new Host, click on the ”+” button on the top right corner of the screen. A new screen will request all the necessary data:

Edit Lab Host

This option allows you to modify the data of a Host, including Enabling/Disabling the Host. The fields displayed and their behaviour are the same as in Create Host.


If you disable a Host that has Planned Executions, the action will not be carried on and an information screen will pop-up to let you know the schedules that are preventing the Host from disabling.