====== Results ====== This option of TAST allows the user ** to see the results of the Test Cases executed. ** A list of Test Sets executed for a specific domain and project is displayed, with information about execution times and status. It can be filtered by: * Domain. * Project. * Test Set. * User. The list of test sets, will also show the following information for each Test Set: * Name of the Test Set. * Diagram name / Test case data name. * Starting time of the Test Set execution. * Finishing time of the Test Set execution. * Status: is the result of the execution (OK or KO). * Actions: with the following indicators: * Updated to ALM: YES or NO. * Download evidence: using this option you can store in a PC directory the evidence of test cases executed * Path of the Test Case Data. * Download evidences document ===== Upload results to ALM ===== Sometimes you may want to optimize your time by running your tests without uploading to ALM, with the idea of uploading them later on, when you´re satisfied with the results, or just because you want to upload them while you have lunch. The option "**Upload results to ALM**" on the Top Right corner will help you to organize your schedule and decide when and what you want to upload to ALM. This option allows to upload to ALM a Test Set, or a group of them. You can use the data fields to filter the results list. If you want to upload a set of TS as a result of your filter, you can check-in the "**Select all**" check/box and all the elements displayed will be selected. The check box is located on the left side of the List headers. \\ **IMPORTANT**: Only the visible elements will be selected; this means that if the result of the filter uses more than one page, only the visible page will be affected. Would you want to select more TS, you can navigate to the next screen and select the rest of TS, the previous selection will remain active unless you check-out the "Select all" option. Once you are happy with the selection, press the "Upload results to ALM" button.\\ {{:en:tast-upload-results.png?2600|}}\\ A new screen will be displayed to define the parameters of the upload.\\ \\ {{:en:results-upload.png?2600|}} All fields must be fulfilled before the upload is allowed: * Test Set Name (Manual input). * ALM Domain (A dropdown box allows to select the Domain). * ALM Project (A dropdown box allows to select the Project). * Test Plan Folder (A pop-up window will show the Folder Tree corresponding to the Domain/Project). * Test Lab Folder (A pop-up window will show the Folder Tree corresponding to the Domain/Project/Test Plan). =====Upload results to ALM step by step===== To upload to ALM step by step we have to go to Results in TAST then choose the test set we want to upload and click the button “upload to ALM“ as we explain in the last part (Upload to ALM).\\ \\ Once the pop-up appears, we have to select the checkbox of „“Step by step“ if we want to activate this new functionality and save the results by steps in ALM.\\ \\ {{ :en:pasitoapasoeng.png?600 |}} Then configure the upload to ALM. Once is uploaded, open ALM and search for the test we have uploaded. After that we choose the execution we want, for example like in the following image.\\ \\ {{ :en:alm1.png?600 |}}\\ \\ Consecutively in the “new test instance“ details window we have to click in runs and then choose the run ID (and click it), for example:\\ \\ {{ :en:alm2.png?600 |}} Finally we are in “run details“ in this window we have to click in steps and then we will see al the documented steps uploaded from the executed tcd. If a step comes with a clip a screenshot is attached to it.\\ \\ {{ :en:alm3.png?600 |}}\\ ===== Results Evidences Document ===== From the Results page, you can access to the Results Evidence Document. You must click in the Document Evidence button on the "Actions" column.\\ \\ {{:en:results00.png?nolink|}}\\ \\ ==== Example of Evidence Document ==== This is an example of the Results evidence document:\\ {{:web_services_15.11.2024_06.41.34_15.11.2024_06.41.35.docx|}}\\ ==== Structure of the Evidence Document ==== The structure of the Results Evidence Document is the following: **__Introduction__** * Test Set ID. * Name of Test Case. * Number of steps. * Final Result of the Test Set. * Description of the Test Case. * Result Details. * Link to Diagram. * Link to Test Case Data. * Link to Test Set. (for each step) **__Execution Steps__** * Step number. * Mapped element (message). * Parameters. * Description. * Expected Result. * Actual Result. * Step Result. ==== Download of the Evidence Document ==== It is possible to download the evidence document by clicking the icon into the execution result and saving the document in the desired path, as presented in the following image:\\ \\ {{:en:evidence_document_example.png?800|}} **IMPORTANT:** There are cases, that due to the dimension of the evidences, the document generation takes some time and a warning message appears, informing you that you should click again the download button for properly downloading the evidence document.\\ \\ If the screenshots are too small and you can’t see them correctly, you should create a message executeJavaScript after the openUrl with the following content: **document.getElementById(“main.cntPrincipal”).style.zoom = 1.5;**\\ \\ =====Acceptance Results===== ==== Introduction==== The acceptance results are the results of a test (evidences and result documents) but stored in a way they did not get deleted.\\ \\ The time limit to generate the acceptance is 30 days, once the acceptance is created, it last forever. Also the acceptance is generated with independence with the different Test Case Data (TCD) of the same Test Set (TS). That means an acceptance will be created for each TCD. ====Features==== In the result table, a new column called “Acceptance” has been added. That column can have three states. * **Empty square:** Initial state, an acceptance has never been created before for that result. Tooltip “No Acceptance”.\\ * **Green check:** The acceptance has been created correctly. Tooltip “Success Acceptance”.\\ * **Red cross:** Trying to create an acceptance some problema appeared and the proccess is not completed. Tooltip “Error Acceptance”. ====Funtionality of this buttons==== * **Empty square:** If we click this button a modal window appears, and we can create the acceptance. That modal window warns us the possibility of a diagram that already have an acceptance with the phrase: “If this diagram already has an acceptance created it will be replaced”.\\ \\ If the acceptance is accepted it will be created. It will also replace any other acceptances that could have been created in other results of the same diagram. So that for every diagram will only exist one acceptance.\\ \\ * **Green check:** If we click this button a modal window appears. This modal window contains links to the documents generated by the acceptance. Those documents are “result documents” and “evidences”. To obtain those documents there are four buttons:\\ - Button to copy the URL where is saved the “result documents” of that diagram. \\ - Button to download directly from the navigator the “result documents” of that diagram.\\ - Button to copy the URL where are saved the “evidences” of that diagram.\\ - Button to download directly from the navigator the “evidences” of that diagram.\\ \\ * **Red cross:** If a problem occurred while creating a result and it cannot be created al last, it is indicated with this icon. If we click this button, the modal window of the acceptance creation will appear.\\ \\ In the case of create a result and accept the modal window from the “no acceptance” or “error acceptance” icon the state will change to “success acceptance” if it fails, the status will be “error acceptance” ====Control of errors==== * If we try to download documentation or evidences that do not exist from the URL a new window with the error 400 or 404 will appear indicating that the resource was not found. * If we try to download documentation or evidences that are not created yet from the URL a new window with the error 409 will appear indicating that the resource is still in creation and to try again later. * That will happen trying to open them from the URL, If we try from the modal window a notification will appear with the same errors.