====== PDF Adaptor ====== =====Introduction ===== PDF adaptor allow you to interact with a .pdf file, so that you can check if it has been generated properly and contains the information it is supposed to. It will be useful for you to test all those processes where the generation of a .pdf file is implied. ===== Initialization Parameters ===== * **FilePath:** complete path of the file ===== Predefined Functions (PF) ===== * **checkTextOnDocument(Page Area, Search Text)**: looks for a given text on a specific area of the document (whole Page, Header, Body, Footer). This function looks for an exact match of the search text. * **checkTextOnPage**: returns true, if it finds the text specified by the Search Text parameter, in the area indicated by the PageArea parameter, on the page represented by the Page parameter, the number of times entered in Ocurrences, false otherwise. * **checkTextOnPageArea(Page, CoordinateX, CoordinateY, Width, Height, Text):** this function return true if the parameter text exists inside the page area defined by the parameters. Page parameter indicates the page number to transform. Coordinate X parameter, indicates the position x where the area starts. Coordinate Y parameter, indicates the position y where the area starts. Width and height parameters indicates the area and the text parameter, it’s the text to check on the defined area. The measure unit is 72 dpi. * **generateFileAsEvidence**: the function generates a copy of the PDF file in its current state to be added as evidence. * **getCustomMetaData**: returns the value of the custom metadata specified in its input parameter. Custom metadata is different from the automatic metadata that is manually included in documents. The metadata name is case sensitive. * **getDataSigned**: gets the signature data of the document in case it is digitally signed. Returns in output a variable TastTableData. The data is returned in one row and N columns. * **getMetaData**: returns the value of the metadata selected in the dropdown of the input parameter. These are the automatic metadata such as: title, author, subject, keyWords, creator, producer, pageCount, creationDate, modificationDate, traped. * **getNumPages()**: returns the number of pages in the document. * **getNumRows**: * **getNumWhitePages()**: returns the number of white pages in the document. * **getPageAsImage(Page,File):** this function transform a PDF Page into a jpg image file with a resolution of 72 dpi. About the input parameters, the Page parameter indicates the page number to transform, The File parameter indicates the path and the file name where the image will be generated. The file extension is .jpg.\\ The purpose of this image is to allow the user to load it into any application that helps him to identify the coordinates where a piece of text appears.\\ Besides that, if Get Evidences is checked, the function generates the image file in the log directory as the step evidence. * **getPageText:** allows you to retrieve the text contained in a page of a PDF, and the function generates as evidence a file with the retrieved text. * **getTextCountOnDocument(Search Text)**: counts the number of times the Search Text is present on the document. * **getTextCountOnPage(Page, Search Text, Page Area)**: counts the number of times the Search Text is present on a specific area (Page, Header, Body, Footer) of a given page. The function looks for exact matches of the given Search Text. * **getTextPageByArea(Page, CoordinateX, CoordinateY, Width, Height):** this function extract and return the text that its contained inside the page area defined by the parameters. Page parameter indicates the page number to transform. Coordinate X parameter, indicates the position x where the area starts. Coordinate Y parameter, indicates the position y where the area starts. Width and height parameters indicates the area. The measure unit is 72 dpi. * **isPageWhite(Page)**: returns “true” if the specified page is white, “false” otherwise. * **isSigned**: returns in its boolean output variable, **true** or **false**, depending on whether the document is digitally signed or not. * **readPdfFile**: reads a PDF file and loads it for processing.