====== Gates – Input/Output variables ====== Here you can see how the input and output parameters of a diagram are defined. The parameters that are defined in this tab will be available in the diagram from the first step as variables. The default value will be used to execute the validation of the diagram. Without being used as a gate in another diagram, in the case of the output parameters, the initial value of the variable will be modified during the diagram execution.\\ \\ Each parameter can be defined as sensible, so it doesn’t show its value in the logs, and will allow the introduction of multiline text with the checkbox that is right next to the text field of the default value.\\ \\ Finally, with the + and – symbols you can add new parameters or delete already existing ones.\\ \\ {{:en:diagram_mapping.png?600|}} Here it is shown how you can map a Gate to modify the values that are asigned to each input parameter of the diagram and which will be the variable that returns the result of each output parameter.\\ \\ The value of the input parameters could be constant or a already declared variable, the variable list will be shown to assist the user.\\ \\ In the mapping it won’t be able to modify the names of the parameters or their data type, because they are determined by what was designed in the diagram that is used in the gate.\\ \\ If a parameter wasn’t defined as sensible, you can mark it to overwrite this property, but if it was defined as sensible you can’t do the opposite.\\ \\ {{:en:gate_mapping.png?600|}} Inside the gate the parent diagram variables won’t be available, and in the parent diagram the gate variables won’t be available, unless you mark the checkbox to use all variables, in this case both diagrams will share the variables.\\ \\ This checkbox will be marked by default in the old diagrams to preserve compatibility with the actual behaviour.\\ To see the general use of gates, look at:\\ \\ https://wiki.testautomationsystemtool.com/doku.php?id=modeling_2.0#gates